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About Us

My Travel Joy, an RS Travel brand, was launched in April 2012 with the purpose of providing its clients with end-to-end traveling services that take into account their likes / dislikes, personality and convenience.

When we first explored the idea of starting a travel business, the My Travel Joy team realized that, more often than not, vacationers from Bangladesh find it difficult to plan a holiday in its entirety that suits him and his fellow travelers. We continuously receive junk mails with offers such as “3N / 4D at a blah blah destination at a fantastic price; don’t miss out on the opportunity and avail now”. How many of these have we taken and realized that the hotel did not meet expectation, or the itinerary was too stressful, or you didn’t have enough time to visit one place because the tour group had to move on to the next destination? As 3 avid travelers ourselves, we’ve felt it many times. And hence was born My Travel Joy.

It is our vision to build and enable My Travel Joy in such a way that it would be able to cater to every clients travel needs – whether s/he be a novice traveler or a traveler who has seen so much that s/he challenges us to find new destinations for him/her; whether it is the need of a single traveler on a soul-searching journey or an annual family get-away; whether s/he be a back-packer trying to traverse Europe or a person looking forward to shopping to his or her heart’s content at the next Dubai Shopping Festival. So as you can see, it is a very big vision that we have and it is our hope that you will be with us through this journey to build and make this community enriching. We invite you to explore our website and contribute by becoming a member. Share your preferences with us, your reviews and comments and help us plan with you the perfect vacation.


With immense pleasure and 

Joyful Regards,
Team My Travel Joy


To become the preferred travel advisor and partner for our clients 


We exist to provide our clients with end-to-end traveling services that takes into account their likes / dislikes, personality and convenience; all this without leaving a hole in their wallets.